When new staff are employed, it is important that you give them the right induction that will benefit themselves and the business. This induction period can be considered as the foundations for getting the most out of the employee and to determine their long term success in your business.
An induction should be given at the beginning of employment and may stretch for several weeks, or even months. During this time, the quality of the induction will have an effect on how the employee visualizes and perceives the organization and how well they will integrate into it.
Some companies often make the mistake of ignoring induction periods. Instead, they leave the new employee to pick things up themselves, and from existing employees, which costs time and money. This defeats the idea of induction which is to integrate the employee so that they reach their full potential as soon as possible.
If your new employee is to be recruited through an interview, then it is a good idea to start the induction at that specific time. Even if the applicant is not definitely going to be your new employee, it still gives them a chance to maintain interest in your business.
What Do They Need To Know?
You may want to start off with the overall look of the company moving through to the finer details. When informing the employee, you may decide it is worth while giving them a tour as you go over the relevant points. The following are guides for what you may want to include, but feel free to add anything that you feel is necessary.
• Introduce your company by specifying the size (no. of employees, branches, etc), the history and how your company operates. The employee may have already researched your business but any additional information is always good to know.
• Let them know about any procedures you have in your business. This may include the terms and conditions of employment, disciplinary action, and dress code. Also, show them what to do and where to assemble in case of fire.
• Inform them of anything concerning their job: give them a job description listing what tasks are involved, their responsibilities and accountabilities. Tell them what training is needed (if any) to match their job requirements.
• If tools, equipment, computers, etc are involved, make sure they know where and how they can obtain it. If your business has many forms, letters etc it’s a good idea to build an induction manual for them to keep.
• An employees involvement with other employees is important. Tell them about any activities/social outings that occur both in and out of work time. This could be a drink to celebrate a new client or Friday lunch outside the office. Involving them early with the social side of work will give them a feeling of being ‘accepted’ and welcome.
A good induction can determine how quickly your employee settles into the business and the speed at which they develop to reach their full potential. Giving the employee all they need to know in relation to their time at your business will further determine its effectiveness.
The importance of how long the induction should be has been stressed throughout the article. Take as long as you need until you believe (and has been acknowledged) that the new employee has been integrated completely into your business. Have a ‘follow up’ appraisal to sort out any queries that they (or yourself) may have.
Involve everyone that you feel essential to create good relations between the new employee and those that they will have connections with. Make the employee feel welcome and comfortable in all areas that will involve their presence.