My Time So Far at Sesema
From the day I walked into Sesema for my first interview at the tail end of January, I knew I was in for a ride, albeit a good one. The office atmosphere struck me as unconventional; very much unlike the stiff feeling you get in other corporate environments. It was relaxed yet energetic; a fine blend of work and play. There was a heady mix of playful, cheerful banters and work-speak. The ambience was warm, professional without being unnecessarily formal, and most importantly, presented itself as an excellent place for me to harness my potential to its fullest.
So far so good, even though I must say that the pace at which I started came as a rude, shocking awakening. The job is all at once fast-paced, demanding, innovative, strategic, rigorous, fun, mentally, physically tasking and enervating. Whilst you do get some arm room for creativity, there’s hardly any room for error in the discharging of your duties. Even when you’re on a high from a crazy, fun and borderline insane idea to generate publicity, you’re immediately brought careening down to Earth, resoundingly too, by the reality of deliverables and expectations of the client. And your boss too.
The boss I speak of is Ms. Alima Atta, a trained and thoroughbred professional who possesses the uncanny ability of merging quick, affable wit, with the ability to cut you down to size and whip you into place, literally. She is the arbiter of commonsense at Sesema and her insights lead you on the professional straight and narrow path. Where that doesn’t suffice, the knowledge of her famous email queries will definitely put and keep you in check.
Sesema is undoubtedly a great place to work. My colleagues are unbelievably friendly and witty. Underline witty. The team spirit is so strong that, even though I’ve only been here a short time, I strongly feel like a member of the family. Everyone is willing to help each other out with their tasks, and there’s always someone to share a thought, feeling, idea or random rant with. The clients are big, and I’ve got the opportunity to work with big brands like HP, NBC and InMobi. As my account portfolio grows, I get to learn new skills and build new contacts. With every task I get better, and as each day passes I learn a new skill, I learn a new lesson.
So, three months on since I joined Sesema, I’ve evolved from the new guy with the unpronounceable surname, into a member of a thriving, vibrant, promising, hardworking and supportive team, working in a blissfully fulfilling environment. For all this, I am very much grateful.