Developing a Website
With millions of people logging on to travel cyberspace, a website is fast becoming an essential communication tool. Establish an informative, persuasive site to help you communicate with your target audiences.
A professional website can improve your image and enhance communication. If your organization does not already have a website, give some serious thought to creating one. Your public might draw unflattering conclusions from the fact that you are not represented in cyberspace. Although you can buy or download software that will help you create a site, remember that your site will form an important part of your corporate image, so it should look professional. Avoid creating a site that could be seen as amateurish. Unless you have the skills in-house, commission a professional web site designer.
Website content is often seen as the domain of the marketing department, making it consumer and sales-driven. Ensure that your organization’s website is also PR driven. Create and area for the media with press releases, downloadable pictures, background information. Many journalists look first to the Internet to find out about an organization. Make access easy and content relevant for analysts and investors. Help your colleagues see that your website can be used to persuade and influence a wide audience. Ensure that your website design exploits the interactive nature of the internet and enables a two-way flow of messages. Listening to your target audience is as important as talking to them.