The New Stuff

Producing Publicity

Effective printed materials is key to successful PR. Learn to write powerful copy, commission strong design and photography, commission strong design and photography, and organize quality printing to ensure persuasive results.


Producing a PR document, such as a promotional brochure, from scratch can be daunting. To produce publicity material that will attain maximum impact with the minimum of stress, plan thoroughly and allow plenty of time.

Improving Results

The key to producing effective publicity materials is to adopt an organized approach. Make sure that you allow sufficient time by creating a production schedule setting out deadlines for copy, proofs, and final artwork. Circulate a copy to appropriate colleagues, making it clear who is responsible for each task. Build in leeway to allow for delays, and seek competitive quotations from suppliers such as copywriters, photographers, and printers.

Understanding AIDCA

Every item of publicity you produce should attract attention. Make your publicity grabs attention by using colour, layout, illustration, and text to create an unmissible piece of publicity. Next, maintain interest by holding the attention of the reader with captivating, persuasive, clear, and readable copy. Ease the reading process with thoughtful design and navigational layout. Then create desire. Decide what reader-response you want, and produce publicity designed to elicit that reaction. Having appealed to the heart, now use hard and persuasive facts to build conviction. The final test of successful publicity material is its ability to prompt action. These five stages are known by the acronym AIDCA, standing for attention, interest, desire, conviction and action.

Using your publicity

It is not uncommon for organizations to spend considerable sums of money producing quality publicity material, only to leave much of it, stacked, unused in a store room. Ensure that your brochures and other materials are distributed to your target audiences. Draw up a distribution plan, and be ready to activate it as soon as your material is ready. Check that staff is aware of new materials and have sufficient supplies to hand out. Take your publicity materials to talks, seminars, and exhibitions. Leave supplies where they will be picked up by your target audience. Aim to make all your materials work for you.


MARKET RESEARCH: In today’s world where social media allows news to travel round the world in a matter of seconds, it is important that companies deliver on their promise, be aware of how consumers respond to them; and can give their target audiences what they want.

SPR’s Market Research Department offers bespoke services to clients including media monitoring which provides independent & unbiased information on how the company is being perceived by the media & public at large, business intelligence that focuses on competitor & related industry analysis, trend analysis, Gap analysis, product segmentation which can give your organization a better understanding of your audiences and the markets.

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